Operations Research Special Cases Linear Programming
This is an advanced course that delves into specialized topics within linear programming, offering students a deeper understanding of unique scenarios and challenges that arise in real-world optimization problems. This course explores various special cases of linear programming, providing students with the tools to formulate, analyze, and solve complex optimization problems with specific constraints. Through a combination of theoretical concepts and practical applications, students will learn to navigate intricate decision-making scenarios efficiently.
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Operations Research Linear Programming
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Responsible | Quantalpha Algorithms |
Last Update | 08/07/2023 |
Completion Time | 2 hours 36 minutes |
Members | 443 |
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Linear Programming Special Cases5Lessons · 2 hr 36 min
Alternate Optimal Solution10 xp
Redundancy10 xp
Infeasibility10 xp
Unboundedness10 xp
Special Cases POM QM Method